Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Quotidian Project- Post 1

Everyday I encounter friends, family, strangers, and even animals all day long. No day is ever like a previous day or a future day, everyday is original and unique. I'm overall a happy person with a broad sense of humor. I enjoy random, I enjoy spontaneous, I enjoy laughing, but most of all I enjoy enjoying life. I appreciate serious art, however, I've always liked random sarcastic art much more than something with layers and layers of metaphorical meanings and symbols.

With that being said, my subject for this project is the funniest and/or most interesting thing I have heard someone say throughout my day. I will be eavesdropping on random conversations/ listening closely to my friend's jokes, but most of all, I will be running into phrases randomly on every street corner of Philadelphia. 

This project does have a deeper meaning to me personally, already with just one quote down I find myself cherishing these little quotes and smiling at the thought of future artworks. I also plan to hang all of the small artwork I make on my dorm room wall. It's like hanging pictures that I will look at as memories. I will be illustrating the quotes in multiple mediums (which ever I'm feeling that day) and posting them on this blog. I will give a brief back story of each quote as well, but not enough to ruin the spontaneity. Hopefully you find as much enjoyment as I do in this project.

Quote 1- 9/1/15

Said by my roommate Mon, I promise she wasn't high. I laughed for 5 minuets due to this phrase. There is nothing else to explain other than, it really is a condom full of spaghetti. 

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