Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Homework #3 Manufacturing consent

I had no prior knowledge about Noam Chompsky before watching this movie. The initial message was kind of hard to grasp, but after re-watching some parts I began to pay closer attention. Over all this documentary said a lot about Noam Chompsky himself, and he was a pretty magnificent successful person. A part in the film shocked me a little, he was being interviewed and the reporter had mentioned how much he respected and studied his one essay. Noam proceeded to say, "Oh when I wrote that I was 12." It sealed the deal about how extraordinary he was as a person.

The movie talked a lot about who controls America. Large cooperation and businesses, like the New York Times control what we see and how we should feel about news around the world. Although this information is not necessarily new it is still shocking to hear about. A huge problem that I believe will always be an issue in America is the fact that the news is never 100% true. Imperative information is usually left out to almost brain wash viewers into forming one overall opinion. It's very terrifying we live in a world like this. 

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