Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Homework #3 Manufacturing consent

I had no prior knowledge about Noam Chompsky before watching this movie. The initial message was kind of hard to grasp, but after re-watching some parts I began to pay closer attention. Over all this documentary said a lot about Noam Chompsky himself, and he was a pretty magnificent successful person. A part in the film shocked me a little, he was being interviewed and the reporter had mentioned how much he respected and studied his one essay. Noam proceeded to say, "Oh when I wrote that I was 12." It sealed the deal about how extraordinary he was as a person.

The movie talked a lot about who controls America. Large cooperation and businesses, like the New York Times control what we see and how we should feel about news around the world. Although this information is not necessarily new it is still shocking to hear about. A huge problem that I believe will always be an issue in America is the fact that the news is never 100% true. Imperative information is usually left out to almost brain wash viewers into forming one overall opinion. It's very terrifying we live in a world like this. 

Quotidian Project- Post 14

"That shit is delicious, and I can't have that!"- Boy I met named Rip. This was his only reason for hating having diabetes.

Quotidian Project- Post 13

"My second son will be named Optimus Prim"- Dane Cook

Quotidian Project- Post 12

" So, long story short I took his skateboard, and now I'm selling it."- Random Philly local from previous post. 

The next day we ran into him again, he was selling umbrellas.

Quotidian Project- Post 11

" I walked into my room, and there was my 13 year old son, NAKED, with two girls. As a parent i was like you're dead boy, but as a man i was like YEAHHHHhhhh"- Random local who came up to my group of friends who was trying to sell a skate board to us. This was the backstory as to why he wanted to sell his skate board. 

Quotidian Project- Post 10

"So, the I scooter-ed 2 miles to his house" - my friend Ant. He road a razor scooter two miles to his friends house for unmentionable reasons.   

Quotidian Project- Post 9

"Yo I got us some corn"- Random guy on walking on the street holding corn.

Quotidian Project-Post 8

"Progress looks like a dead sheep"- Greys Anatomy, character Meredith grey 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Quotidian Project- Post 7

"who parked their, car on my sandwich?" 
This is from a series of youtube videos titled the ASDF movies, they are very funny. Although the videos are funny, the more humorous thing about this post is i spelled "sandwich" wrong in the picture and didn't realize until right now.  oops.

Quotidian Project- Post 6

Watch Dane Cook's stand up comedy on Netflix, you will understand.

Project #1- Half Forest Half City

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Quotidian Project- Post 5

Said by random person in my class. They were looking at this picture,

it took the person 15 min to understand the pun.

Quotidian Project- Post 4

My friend Emily went to a fancy breakfast this weekend. She wasn't that pleased with the place, she wanted more of a diner atmosphere apparently

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Quotidian Project- Post 3

"At least we have our health," said by one of my professors. I was not having a great day and this sarcastic comeback to all my complaints put a smile on my face.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Ethics of digital manipulation response

This article was a very easy read. The main points of this I agreed with and found out a lot of new information about digital manipulation. It is true that currently in society images are always manipulated and never display a complete and truthful representation of the subject that was photographed. Although I knew this was a common occurrence in today's society I didn't realize that photo manipulation dated that far back in history. This provoked me to do more research on the history of photo manipulation.

Another point I want to bring up about the article is that I do believe that not all manipulated images are considered art. In the article, a statement is said about how people expect and want fictional images in movies but get angry when we view fake or altered images in news or business advertisements.  I completely agree with this statement. When we as citizens believe something to be true then find out it is completely false we get scared and enraged because the media has fooled us; however, when we go into a scary movie for example, we know images are altered and what we are viewing is fiction, thus we are less scared about the images we are viewing.

This quote wraps up nicely his main point about when an alteration of a image becomes a problem.

"It only becomes a problem, and a question of ethics, when the artist or photographer lies about his motivations, methods, and conclusions, and presents images with the purpose to intentionally deceive."

Quotidian Project- post 2

"They aren't just going to sniff your juice" said by a friend named Alex. The word sniff used in this context made me laugh. The background is vibrant just like Alex's personality.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Quotidian Project- Post 1

Everyday I encounter friends, family, strangers, and even animals all day long. No day is ever like a previous day or a future day, everyday is original and unique. I'm overall a happy person with a broad sense of humor. I enjoy random, I enjoy spontaneous, I enjoy laughing, but most of all I enjoy enjoying life. I appreciate serious art, however, I've always liked random sarcastic art much more than something with layers and layers of metaphorical meanings and symbols.

With that being said, my subject for this project is the funniest and/or most interesting thing I have heard someone say throughout my day. I will be eavesdropping on random conversations/ listening closely to my friend's jokes, but most of all, I will be running into phrases randomly on every street corner of Philadelphia. 

This project does have a deeper meaning to me personally, already with just one quote down I find myself cherishing these little quotes and smiling at the thought of future artworks. I also plan to hang all of the small artwork I make on my dorm room wall. It's like hanging pictures that I will look at as memories. I will be illustrating the quotes in multiple mediums (which ever I'm feeling that day) and posting them on this blog. I will give a brief back story of each quote as well, but not enough to ruin the spontaneity. Hopefully you find as much enjoyment as I do in this project.

Quote 1- 9/1/15

Said by my roommate Mon, I promise she wasn't high. I laughed for 5 minuets due to this phrase. There is nothing else to explain other than, it really is a condom full of spaghetti.