Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Sugar-Homework 4

I have never really thought about sugar in the way this article does. Obviously I'm aware that an absurd amount of sugar is used to make mostly all artificial food items, like the pop-tarts mentioned; however, I have never thought about, in a sense, we do go to the grocery store to directly and indirectly purchase sugar. “If you go into a supermarket, you see that most of what’s lined up there is to sell sugar."

Another quote that struck me was the amount of money companies spend on advertising. I have read articles similar to this before, but no matter how many times i hear the dollar amounts that companies spend on creating advertisements, it still shocks me. "Kellogg’s spent $32 million last year in advertising Pop Tarts alone. Coca-Cola spent $269 million advertising its flagship product (Coca-Cola). Pepsi spent $150 million just to advertise the brightly colored sugar-water that is Gatorade. It's the sugar water for people who do sports." I could only imagine what a world would where money was spent on helping people in need, or money put towards higher education facilities, rather than being used to manipulate people into buying cookies. It's a really sad truth about society, we always seem to be spending money on the wrong things, and honestly I no matter how many articles are written like this, corporation will still invest their money in items that don't impact the world in a positive way. It’s just another morally wrong issue that is practiced in our world today.

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