Monday, August 31, 2015

My So Called Opinions-Response

I was initially skeptical about the argument the author created. However as I read on i found my self coming around. In the second part of the My So Called Opinions Fine talks about how our generation lacks original taste. We find our own opinions in personal preference strongly influenced by the people and society around us. These couple paragraphs made me question and admit to myself that i do indeed let others opinions influence my decisions greatly. For example, first day of school ice breakers cause the most anxiety possible for me personally. I never know what to say and i never fully express myself in fear of being judged. This has improved over time and I found myself being more comfortable in a setting such as art school because people are very comfortable with themselves here and i admire that. Over all i enjoyed this article and it brought up many good so called opinions about pluralism.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

What is your previous computer experience?
I have had PCs all of my life however i have used macs in other art classes before. I've never taken a photoshop class or anything along the lines of that but I'm a fast learner and can remember computer programs well.

What do you hope to get out of this class?
I hope to gain experience using the computer programs we are going to use in this class. It will be very fun to express art in a way i've never tried before. I have always just drawn or painted in the past.

What is the relationship between computers and visual studies?
Computers are a tool to manufacture art that is studied in visual studies, aka film and video and other digital images. Also computers are an access point to different images and ideas that involve visual culture. (this is a guess)

What is your experience with Photoshop and Illustrator?

Do you have a computer at home? If so dose it have Photoshop and Illustrator?
cant say it does

Do you us Mac or PC?

Who is your favorite artist?

Who is your favorite musician? 
i don't have one. i listen to just about every type of music
Tell me something interesting about yourself?
I really hate cucumbers

Write a five line story?
I wish i was asleep right now.
My bed is very comfortable
i got up this morning.
Then came here,
and now im typing this five line story

Post an image on the blog.