Thursday, December 3, 2015

Quotidian Project- Post 40

From a stand-up comedy I watched this week, I forget the comedians name.

Quotidian Project- Post 39

 A waitress at Friendlies my friends and I had, she was sociable.

Quotidian Project- Post 38

Text Received from my roommate last night, describing a person showering in the stall next to her in the dorm.

Quotidian Project- Post 37

Quote from the Simpsons, I relate.

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(These last 6 were for 2 weeks ago, just got my camera back to upload them to my computer. The ones posted after this were from some of last week and this week!)

My friend Meghan

Quotidian Project- Post 35

I actually texted this to my friends on a Saturday Night, read it the next morning, I don't think DVDs was the phrase I was trying to express. 

Quotidian Project- Post 34

Random kid who is friends with one of my friends, people call him Cookie, and he uses "dope sauce" as an adjective.

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My friend Casey and I had to work 9-12 hour shifts on Black Friday at American Eagle, so we got a lot ( too many) of energy drinks, this was said hour 4 into the night at 4am.

"Okay maybe we over did it"

Quotidian Project- Post 32

My friend Emma

Quotidian project- Post 31

My friend Alex